Here you will find lots of fascinating articles from those interested in tackling malnutrition whether that is in professional settings such as care homes and hospitals or in our communities with our neighbours, friends and relatives.
These blogs cover lots of different nutrition topics and we always want to hear from you! If you would like to submit a guest blog, please get in touch at
We hope you find these blogs informative and insightful!
Improving nutrition and hydration through creative and innovative solutions
Malnutrition Task Force member Caroline Lecko tells us all about the great work taking place in the National Nursing Quality Improvement team at NHS
The magnificent seven! Daily drinks rounds keep care home residents happy and healthy
We invited Katie Lean, Patient Safety Manager at Oxford AHSN/Oxford Patient Safety Collaborative, to talk to us about the Good Hydration! Initiative
Mouth Care Matters
In this guest blog, we hear about all the great work being undertaken by the Mouth Care Matters Programme, an Heath Education England initiative. In
Malnutrition Task Force Learning Day
On 23rd September 2019, we held the second Malnutrition Task Force Learning Day “Combatting malnutrition and dehydration in the community”. The event
Implementing a Food First approach to tackle malnutrition in Doncaster
Laura Clarke, Specialist Dietitian, and Jayne Brocklehurst, Dietetic Prescribing Lead, tell us about the great work that is being done in Doncaster to