Nutrition and Hydration Week is just around the corner and we are really excited!
Malnutrition Task Force Associate Member and Co-Lead of the Nutrition and Hydration Week, Caroline Lecko, shares some of her favourite ideas and plans that are currently underway.
Nutrition and Hydration Week is in its ninth year and it is incredible to see the level of enthusiasm and commitment that continues for the week.
Over the last few weeks I have been watching our social media channels with a real sense of inspiration and excitement. It is impossible to share with you all the brilliant ideas and plans that are currently underway and being shared - so sorry if I don’t mention you!
Our colleagues in Jersey are really getting behind the week and have a busy schedule with workshops and training, afternoon tea, nutrition quizzes and a bring back breakfast focus. I am really looking forward to hearing how the week goes 😊
We are seeing lots of ideas for improving hydration – colleagues at Chesham Leys Nursing Home have a lovely hydration station with lots of fresh fruit.
It is also great to see an increasing focus and link to oral hygiene which is so important when thinking about nutrition and hydration. The team at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust remind us that people can’t eat properly if they have a dry, ulcerated or swollen tongue or poorly fitted dentures – always think #lookinthemouth – great advice.
We are also seeing more schools, universities and businesses getting involved in the week and raising awareness of the importance of nutrition and hydration for health and wellbeing. An example recently shared was from BerryWorld who will be celebrating with their teams by running a competition called ‘Choose Your Fusion’! and by holding The Big Breakfast event on the 20th March 2020. I loved their poster and they have some great recipes on their website.

Another thing that I am really encouraged to see is the increased number of people getting involved in the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Swallowing Awareness Day on the 18 March. There is even a Tea Party Challenge happening with colleagues from @oakhousekitchen and @IDDSI – incredible!!!
I will finally share a really practical (yet amazing) pictorial that @Sonia_Sparkles drew for the team at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.

As you can see there is already lots happening and I am really looking forward to seeing and hearing more about the huge number of events and activities being done during the week. Massive thanks to everyone for supporting the week and making a difference.
Caroline Lecko
Co-Lead of the Nutrition and Hydration Week
Find out how to get involved by visiting or following @NHWeek