NACC Meals on Wheels Week 2023

Meals on Wheels 2023 logo

This year's NACC Meals on Wheels week begin on Monday, 30th October and the preparations are well underway.

For over 30 years, the NACC has proudly organised Meals on Wheels week to raise awareness of this vital, preventative, nutritional community meals service.

This year the week will be more vital than ever, with the cost-of-living crisis and diminishing budgets as our providers try to sustain these vital services with staff shortages and staggering price increases.

We invite EVERYONE to join us this year, and help the NACC to raise awareness of this important service and other nutritional support services in the community, including lunch clubs and day centres, that is beneficial for all the services in Social Care and most importantly those we serve.

We have put together an informative guide on the NACC website to help you plan for the week, as well as keep up to date with other plans we have for the lead up, including the launch of the NACC Meals on Wheels report 2023, that we commissioned from the Association of Public Sector Excellence (APSE) which is due to launch in September.

Please visit the NACC's Meals on Wheels website for full details.